Horse Grooming
A Wonderful Day!
Growing up my mom and dad had always been around horses and had them. My grandparents have horses so I get to be around them and ride. My mom and dad wanted to get out of the city and get some horses again also, so they started looking around at farms and land and ended up buying a farm so we could finally get some. My mom came home from work one day and started telling me about a Quarter Horse that a woman she worked with had and was selling. She was two years old and very sweet. She also was not broke at all! Her name was Zoe and I had always loved that name! We made arrangements to go look at her one Saturday and I could not have been more excited! She was beautiful! She seemed sweet and gentle but I knew I would have my work cut out for me. She had never been loaded in a trailer, led on a rope...nothing. She followed me around the field like a dog. I wanted her so bad but didn't know what my mom and dad were thinking and they were looking at different things than I was! My dad finally asked me what I thought and I just couldn't hold back...I went on and on and on about her! I looked at my mom and she told me that she thought she would be a good addition to our family as well. I jumped up and down and was so so happy. We picked her up the following morning. It took us about a half an hour to get her loaded and then we were off, on our way to her new home...with me! My dad let me know that most of the work was my responsibility. I brushed her, led her, worked with her feet, tossed blankets on her and basic commands. She was even used to her saddle so I decided it was time to get on her. My dad and mom were by my side so I hopped up on her, half expecting the worst. She just stood there! My dad led me around on her and she acted like she had been doing it for years. I told him to let me loose, so I was off on my own. My dad saddled his horse up and we took off through the field. I have been riding her now for 6 months. She still has never bucked, kicked or bit! Not even once. My mom even talked to the woman we bought her from to make sure she had never been worked with! She is the best horse ever! She makes me so happy!
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