Horse Grooming


by Amanda
(Oregon, U.S.)

One day I was on a trail ride in the hills of Ashland. It was a chilly day and we were on a hunt for a dead elk antlers that were spotted some days before. Well along that journey my horse ran away with me in the opposite direction about half a mile. The other two people I was with kept going without me for a bit then stopped. Once I stopped my horse (an Arabian) I turned her around and she felt the need to catch up with the other horses. She started in a quick lope then suddenly we were going 30 to 40mph I reckon. It was my first time galloping, at first I held on for dear life then I let go of the horn and held my right hand to the side in the air for balance. It felt like I was in one of those old western movies were the horses seem like they are always running. It was thrilling!

I don't have a horse of my own but I plan on getting into the horse industry and owning a few of my own.

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May 30, 2010
That sounds thrilling
by: Anonymous

I really enjoyed reading this little story. It was cute, You sound so excited.

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