Horse Grooming


by Emma Blume
(Vegreville Alberta)

Minnie was there on the farm before I was even born and when I was nearly 1 year old, I would secretly go out to the horse pen and walk around minnie's legs and she would never kick me. I am now 15 and she is about 16 or 17 I found out and she has only been around one or two years before me.

We are the best of friends and I hope I will never lose her. I am in riding lessons; taking english and western and am loving it! Minnie has always been there for me and now that we have moved away from the farm into a town I can only visit her about once a month, I will try to always be there for her because she has always been there for me.

I love you soooooo much Minnie!!!!!!

I will never stop loving horses.

I started when I was born and won't stop until I am dead, even then I will still love horses.

when I went to the mountains I found this bookmark and it said, "God forbid that I should go to any heaven in which there are no horses" and "Holy Lord" is it ever true!


Love you MINNIE!!!

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May 15, 2012
wow NEW
by: Anonymous

you wouldnt want to go heaven if there are no horses?!? Thats well stupid

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