The Trail Saddle
A trail saddle is designed for the pleasure of riding whether it is backcountry or trail riding. The hours spent in the saddle require a lighter weight style of saddle then those that are used for heavy work on a ranch.
The majority of riders are pleasure riders and because of this, there are more styles to choose from than any other type of saddle. The styles for this type of a saddle must take into account the wide variations in body types who go riding. The experience of the rider will also dictate the modification that can be done to this type of saddle.
A first time buyer should be able to get advice from the more experienced riders among them on how best to get this saddle to fit their needs. By having round skirts to lessen the weight, a thinner horn for holding, and padding the seat will lessen the fatigue of riding for prolong periods.
With the uneven terrain that can sometimes challenge the rider a breast collar is added to prevent saddle slippage, for additional stability and comfort the stirrups are wider than those on other saddles. Spending long hours on trail would require additional saddle strings for securing rain gear and other personal effects.
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